Is there a way to adjust the distance rtp takes me and how to turn back on because i think the limit is at like 1000 blocks and i want it to be way further cos i just keep rtping into places iv been i sometimes rtp 10 blocks away Max rtp distance Drtpmaxdistance20000 Increase this to what you want

PowerMax Edited update rtp rtsp and rtmp are fairly standard communication protocols for video streaming devices Just like ftp and smb are protocols for accessing filesystems over a network A standard web browser is really primarily designed for http or https services In my case Firefox provides a popup notification to

PDF SDP Attributes Multiplexing Internet Engineering Task Force

Hardcoded MTU 1500 and RTPRTCP size checks 276 GitHub

The RTP specification recommends that maxmisorder 100 and maxdropout 3000 If the extended sequence number is calculated immediately on reception of a packet and used thereafter most of the application can be made unaware of sequence number wraparound The ability to hide the wraparound greatly simplifies loss detection and

It is possible that the maximum size of the RTP packet is the same as the UDP payload maximum size I mean that i have only a RTP packet with a huge payload Is this possible and in this case there is any recommended size for the RTP packet for not doing this For example im encapsulating MP3 frames in RTP

This means that mediasoup does not complain if the resulting RTCP compound packet is 65536 bytes long which would require IP fragmentation in any nonlocalhost network and would fail to reach the destination in many cases due the nature and status of Internet

rtpengine8 manual page rtpengine master documentation Read the Docs

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Time between RTP packets Timestamp difference between RTP packets Although it seems pretty self evident if your endpoint only supports up to 20ms ptime set the maxptime header to 20ms Youd be surprised how often this isnt the case You can read more about SDP on my Overview of SDP post and the RFC RFC4566

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The high delta times seem to be legitimate breaks in the sending of RTP packets as indicated by the sequence numbers however its a bit strange that the RTP profile doesnt make use of the marker bit to indicate the break SSRC 0x0000f588 has some issues In addition to RTP breaks without the marker bit set there is a significant amount of

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M portmaxINT Both take an integer as argument and together define the local port range from which rtpengine will allocate UDP ports for media traffic relay Default to 30000 and 40000 respectively RTP data is cached and retained in memory for the lifetime of the process kernelplayerINT kernelplayermediaINT

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Attributes that define the RTP payload configuration on per Payload Type basis and MUST have identical values across all the media descriptions for a given RTP Payload Type when repeated Example mvideo RTPSAVPF 56302 96 97 artpmap96 H26490000 afmtp96 profilelevelid42400d maxfs3600 maxfps3000 maxmbps108000 maxbr1000 a